Steps To Getting Testosterone Ftm

Steps To Getting Testosterone Ftm

Hormones - Masculinising

Hormonal gender affirmation is an important part of many trans and gender diverse people's lives. Masculinising hormones are typically used by trans people who were presumed female at birth (PFAB), including men and non-binary people.

Masculinising hormones are testosterones. The physical and psychological effects testosterone has on the body depend on the type of testosterone prescribed as well as personal factors including your age, body, hormonal history, any existing contraindications, and what you want to take. Generally though, using testosterone is a very effective way of masculinising your body.

TransHub uses the terms masculinising and feminising hormones to describe the effects that hormonal affirmation has on bodies, but not to describe the genders of the people using them. You can be a man who uses masculinising hormones, you can also be non-binary and use masculinising hormones as well, there is no one correct form of hormonal therapy. Being on testosterone isn't the thing that makes you, you. Who you are is always valid.

Information and resources to assist clinicians learn more about masculinising hormones can be found here.

Types of masculinising hormones

Testosterone (sometimes just known as 'T') is not generally used in combination with estrogen hormone blockers.

Illustration by Samuel Luke Art


Testosterone is a sex hormone (steroid hormone) that influences fat cells, bones, some muscles, skin, and hair. Testosterone can also affect mood, energy levels, and sex drive.

Some people will take a full dose of testosterone, and others a low dose, or somewhere between the two. Some will prefer a longer cycle between injections or applications, others will find a shorter cycle fits best. Talk with your doctor about the outcomes you want, and you can work with them to find the dose that feels right for you.

If you're on a particular dose and it doesn't feel like it's working or feeling right, you can ask to change it up or try something new - no one is in your body but you.

Testosterone is usually taken in one of the following forms:

Injections - an intramuscular injection administered regularly, either by a medical practitioner, or by you or a friend who has been shown how to do injections. Check out this handy injection guide [PDF].

This could be either Reandron (3 monthly), Primoteston (fortnightly), or Sustanon. Some forms of testosterone injection are covered on the PBS.

Gels and creams - a cream or gel that is applied to the skin daily as directed. Some testosterone gels and creams are covered on the PBS.

Implants - testosterone pellets that are inserted into the body and can last for several months. Implants are not covered on the PBS and can only be manufactured by a compounding chemist.

Other hormonal health concerns

Topical estrogen - sometimes taken for atrophy of the vagina/front hole. Being on testosterone can decrease the natural lubrication of the vagina/front hole, which can make that part of the body uncomfortable not only during sex, but everyday activities and other important things like cervical screens and sexual health testing.

A topical estrogen applied directly can help solve this problem, without estrogen finding its way into the rest of the body. Using a topical estrogen has no effect on masculinising.

Progesterone - sometimes taken to assist in stopping menstruation. A small amount of progesterone in combination with testosterone can help make sure you don't get a period.

Effects on primary and secondary physical characteristics

Body shape and size

Depending on when masculinising hormones are started, they can promote a shift in the size of muscles and bones in the body, including but not limited to an increase in hand or shoe size, or growing slightly taller. The effectiveness of masculinising hormones can decrease with age.

Fat distribution

Masculinising hormones will redistribute fat around the body. This includes but is not limited to shifting fat away from the hips, arse, and thighs to the stomach/abdomen.


People on masculinising hormones may notice several changes to their genitals, including what is often called 'lower growth' of the clitoral shaft, the temporary or long term cessation of menstruation, and external or internal dryness or atrophy. These may be wanted or unwanted, and in the case of dryness or atrophy, potentially uncomfortable - if so, it's important to talk to your doctor as treatment is available for dryness.


Masculinising hormones stimulate the skin's oil glands, which can result in the skin being more oily as a result, and feeling a bit rougher than before. This can also result in an increase in acne or pimples, on the face and the body. If this becomes a problem or a frustration for you, you can talk with your doctor about how to help. Anti-bacterial body and face wash, used daily, can be helpful, as can a cleanse, tone and moisturising routine.

You may also find your body odour and sweat patterns change.


Masculinising hormones will stimulate hair growth on the face (eg. moustache and beard) and the body (eg. chest, arms, legs, stomach, arse, and back). This might also cause existing hair to darken or thicken. There's the possibility of an increase in male-pattern baldness, or hair loss at the temples and the top of the head (a bald spot) over time, and if this causes distress you can talk to your doctor about treatment options.

Sex drive

Many people report an increase in sex drive on masculinising hormones, whether a slight increase or a dramatic uptick. If unwanted, this can be shifted by adjusting testosterone levels with your doctor.

Illustration by Samuel Luke Art


One of the common (and often wanted) effects of testosterone therapy is that it can lower your voice, especially with longer-term use. This change is permanent.

Researchers have found that testosterone is an effective way of lowering the voice, with a significant vocal decrease by 6-9 months after initiating testosterone therapy1. This research also found that most participants were satisfied with their voices after 12 months.

Some people experience vocal fatigue, difficulties with projection, singing, or other voice-related concerns. Vocal training in conjunction with masculinising hormone therapy is a great option to treat this.

Mood and mental health

There is no evidence that testosterone contributes to worse mental health outcomes. Many people find their mood, mental health and energy levels improve dramatically when starting gender affirming hormones.

You may find your emotional landscape shifting as you begin testosterone though. People often report finding it difficult to cry or express themselves in ways they've been used to. This will settle with time but if it feels hard or not okay, talking about it with peers or a professional can be really helpful, as can making sure you're getting plenty of sleep, eating well, moving your body, and staying hydrated.


Use of masculinising hormones over time can stop menstruation (periods) from occuring, or greatly reduce their regularity. For more information about managing menstruation, check out our page about it here.


Testosterone therapy alone does not necessarily result in infertility, and the cessation of testosterone therapy can cause ovulation to reoccur.

Testosterone is also not always an effective form of contraception, and so other forms of contraception should be discussed with partners and/or doctors if you are having sex which carries a pregnancy risk.

If you are concerned about the possibility of infertility, or for more information about fertility options, visit our page on fertility.

Hormone levels

Regular blood tests will likely be requested by your doctor to check your levels and how they are changing over time. Your doctor will give you forms to get a blood test at clinics that are available across NSW. You can also have your hormones checked as part of a regular blood test, or while visiting trans[TEST]. Usually levels will be monitored 6 monthly, and then annually once your T levels and cycle have settled.

Prescribing guidelines 2 recommend "targeting trough total testosterone levels in the lower end of the male reference interval (10-15 nmol/L)". Trough means the lowest level of testosterone in the body, usually just before an injection or re-application.

These guidelines have been endorsed by AusPATH, the Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA) and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP).

Accessing hormones in NSW

To assist you in connecting with your doctor, we've prepared a number of templates you can print, complete and take with you. Below you will find a template to let an existing or new doctor know that you want to start or continue hormones, and to update your name, gender marker and pronoun, if required.

We've also included an example of an informed consent form for initiating masculinising hormones, as well as a GP Management Plan template. Your doctor may have a similar forms of their own, or you can print these out to work through together.

You are able to access hormones from your regular GP or Sexual Health Doctor. Hormonal affirmation and advice is not a specialist field, and does not require an expensive or difficult process, or access to a specialist to prescribe.

Accessing PBS-listed testosterone does currently require an additional step where either you, or your doctor will need to consult with an Endocrinologist, Sexual Health Doctor or Urologist. This only needs to happen once.

Your prescribing doctor will use the authority indication "androgen deficiency due to an established testicular disorder", which is accurate since our bodies don't naturally produce enough testosterone on their own. You don't need to be listed with Medicare as male in order to access PBS-listed testosterone.

If you are over 18, you do not have to see a psychologist or psychiatrist in order to access hormones, unless you want to or your doctor feels it would be helpful. For more information, go to this section.

For a list of doctors who support and understand trans people and our needs, check out ACON's Gender Affirming Doctor List, available here.

Under 18s

For trans or gender diverse people under 18, gender affirming treatment can be commenced when there is no dispute between parents (or those with parental responsibility), the medical practitioner and the young person themselves with regard to:

  • The Gillick competence of an adolescent; or

  • A diagnosis of gender dysphoria; or

  • Proposed treatment for gender dysphoria

Any dispute requires a mandatory application to the Family Court of Australia as per the judgement of Re Imogen 2020.

The Australian Standards of Care for trans and gender diverse children and adolescents state that seeing a mental health professional is a necessary part of accessing gender affirming hormones as a young person.

The Standards of Care state that the following 3 criteria must be met:

  1. A diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria in Adolescence, made by a mental health clinician with expertise in child and adolescent development, psychopathology and experience with children and adolescents with gender dysphoria.

  2. Medical assessment including fertility preservation counselling has been completed by a general practitioner, paediatrician, adolescent physician or endocrinologist. This assessment should include further fertility preservation counselling by a gynaecologist and/or andrologist as required with referral for fertility preservation when requested.

  3. The treating team should agree that commencement of estrogen or testosterone is in the best interest of the adolescent and informed consent from the adolescent has been obtained.

For more information about your legal and medical rights while under 18, go to our Under 18s page.

Steps To Getting Testosterone Ftm



Childrens Bedroom Ideas

Childrens Bedroom Ideas

10 Fun Ideas for a Bedroom Makeover


Giving your bedroom a fun makeover not only breathes new life into your space but it also helps bring things up-to-date. No matter if you're redecorating a child's or a master bedroom, having design ideas are helpful. Here are ten fun ideas for a bedroom makeover that will help inspire your project.

Use a Statement Art Piece

When thinking about bedroom designs and ideas, the addition of a statement art piece helps tie everything together. Use of this piece of art can also serve as the room's inspiration and focal point. Place it over the headboard or dresser.


Don't Be Afraid of Patterns

Incorporation of patterns can involve the use of wallpaper on one or malls walls, as well as fabrics. The trick is not to use too much. If you're going to use it on the walls, then sprinkle in more patterns on pillows and a bed skirt.


Bring in Your Personal Style

Why does a bedroom have to be one whereby only bedroom furnishings are the mainstays? Instead, fun elements should be included when thinking about design ideas for master bedroom or other bedrooms. Include personal treasures, as well as photographs depicting your interests.


Focus on Your Favorite Colors

When you're working on this bedroom makeover, why not focus on your favorite color? For example, you could think about purple bedroom design ideas or decorating a blue bedroom if those are your favorite colors.


Incorporate Pops of Color

Sometimes a fun bedroom makeover just needs pops of color. Coming up with ideas for a bedroom makeover could include painting an accent wall or introducing pops of color by painting a section of the wall along the bottom of the room a deeper color.


Check out Your Window Treatments

Your window treatments say a lot about your bedroom design. Therefore, when you're coming up with ideas for bedroom designs, don't discount this area of the room. Think about dramatic swags, simple valances, floor-to-ceiling panels or sheers. The possibilities are endless.


What's on Your Floor?

Your bedroom ideas must include a floor treatment. Even if you already have carpeting down, it doesn't hurt to add pops of color and pattern on your flooring with throw rugs or a larger area rug. In doing so, you'll change the entire look of the room.


Make Your Furniture Pieces Stand Out

Instead of picking out pieces of furniture that are practical, which they of course should be, select pieces that also stand out. They should reflect your taste, personality and the overall theme of the room. If you're trying to match the room with design ideas for house, consider tying the furniture into the rest of the house.


Make Creative Use of Lighting

Typically, a bedroom has one overhead light and two lamps on nightstands on either side of the bed. That seems pretty standard. Why not change things up with creative use of lighting? Add a chandelier over your reading nook, use a series of task lights over your desk area and install pendant lights on either side of the bed.


Always Choose Drama

When decorating a fun bedroom, always choose dramatic effects over those that are down-played. If you're working with a one-bedroom studio flat, you'll find this is especially true because you're using limited space. Therefore, don't be afraid to bring in dramatic pieces of art, fabric, pottery or other elements that liven up the space.


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Childrens Bedroom Ideas



Pink Paint For Bedroom

Pink Paint For Bedroom

What Are the Best Paint Colors to Use in a Kitchen?

Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

For many people, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It's where you start your busy day and where you unwind with a good meal — and maybe a glass of wine — in the evening. It's where you make breakfast for your kids on busy school mornings and where you enjoy dinner with the special people in your life on the weekend. It's also the spot for finding healthy snacks and comfort foods, depending on your mood.

So, obviously your kitchen is a very special room, which means it deserves some very special consideration when it's time for an upgrade. Choosing the perfect paint color is an ideal starting point — and an important one. While you can obviously select any color you want for your kitchen, HGTV recommends white, gray, blue, green, yellow or red. Let's take a look at why each color works so well in the most important room in the house.


According to HGTV, a white kitchen feels clean, fresh and energizing . The bright look can help wake you up in the morning when the sun starts shining on the white paint, but the neutral color also offers a number of other benefits. First, the color is extremely versatile as part of a color scheme. You can paint your cabinets and other accents almost any color when you have a white backdrop. A white kitchen can also open up a small space , making it feel larger, and it can brighten a dark room that doesn't see much natural light.

Photo Courtesy: Creatv Eight/Unsplash

Finally, white not only feels clean, but it's easy to see when the walls are dirty, so you can keep the room where you prepare all your food as sanitary as possible. Just don't make the mistake of assuming white is a one-size-fits-all color. You can customize your kitchen even further by choosing a shade of white that has red, yellow, green, blue or other color undertones to warm up or cool down your space.


You may have noticed that many of your favorite restaurants use red paint as part of their decor. That's because this warm color is believed to stimulate the appetite. Cooking is also the color of passion . For this reason, many feel that it's also a wonderful color to paint their own kitchens.

Photo Courtesy: Studio Sarah Lou/Flickr

Not only does red make a good wall color, but it also pairs well with more neutral colors, like white and gray, which is important if you want to paint your cabinets and other fixtures red. The vibrant color also comes in many shades. For a sleek look, consider a semi-gloss candy apple red, or for a more rustic look, choose a shade of red that has some hints of orange mixed in with it.

Blue or Green

Blue and green are both tranquil, calming colors that are frequently found in nature. Both are good choices for painting a kitchen, especially if your kitchen is a place where you like to relax and spend your downtime. Like red, green and blue come in a variety of shades that you can use as accent colors for your walls, cabinets and other fixtures.

Photo Courtesy: NeONBRAND/Wikimedia Commons

Keep in mind that darker shades of blue can overpower a room very easily, but they look good in a kitchen with white fixtures. Lighter blues can soften your kitchen and make it feel brighter and bigger. Green shades tend to look good with natural wood cabinets and fixtures.


Yellow kitchens tend to feel happy, cheerful and sunny, and according to Real Simple, homes with yellow kitchens even sell for higher prices than those with other colors. The warm color is versatile enough to use in a rustic cottage as well as an industrial condo, and it can really create some excitement in an otherwise boring space.

Photo Courtesy: leondavilaantonio/Pixabay

Like red, yellow sees a lot of action in restaurants. These businesses often use yellow because the color is thought to stimulate the appetite and increase the amount of serotonin — the hormone that makes you feel euphoric — in your body.


If you're bored with white but still want a neutral color, HGTV recommends searching for an appealing shade of gray. Like white, gray pairs well with other colors, allowing you to get creative with cabinets, counters and other fixtures. Besides being one of the most versatile colors you can paint your kitchen, gray can help you bring together various textures, create a clean look and reduce shine and glare on your surfaces.

Photo Courtesy: Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

Pink Paint For Bedroom



Small Bedroom Carpet Ideas

Small Bedroom Carpet Ideas

For years carpet has been seen as one of the most stylish and timeless flooring options for a bedroom space – oh, and did we mention the most comfortable of them all?


If you love decorating with bold colours in the form of paint shades and accessories, opting for a carpet option in a subdued neutral shade is ideal. Not only does this allow other decor features to shine, it also serves as a blank canvas for when you choose to redecorate.

Let's use the below image for an example. As you can see, there's a brilliant deep teal shade filling all walls. However, if in a couple of years the homeowners want to switch things up and paint walls in a dark purple hue, there's no worry it will clash with the existing carpet.

Let your decor features do the talking by installing a neutral carpet


A warm neutral carpet is one of the most timeless and sophisticated flooring options on the market. And the benefits don't just stop there. As the below image showcases, opting for a neutral carpet colour in a similar shade to that on the walls helps blur the lines between surfaces, making a space seem visibly larger while also enhancing cohesion.

Blur the lines to give the illusion of a larger space


Carpets are one of the most versatile floor coverings around as the below image showcases. While neutral options give homeowners more creative freedom to splash bolder colours on the walls, carpet choices boasting bright colours take on the role of a statement focal point. Opting for a delectable red carpet like the below example introduces great energy and encourages feelings of positivity – perfect for the bedroom.

When working with a bright colour such as red, ensure accessories are on the more subdued side of the spectrum to avoid overpowering your space. However, as the below image shows, you can have fun incorporating smaller doses of other colours to continue the fun feel and tie decor pieces together.

Make the most visual impact with a coloured carpet


When designing an interior space, texture is one of the most crucial components to ensure a room is comfortable, interesting and visually engaging. However, there's more to it than simply incorporating features comprised of the same or similar fabrics. Doing so will run the risk of making your space feel flat and one-dimensional.

Instead, as the below image showcases, introducing an array of textures in the form of main furnishings, accessories and fixtures provides plenty of interest to keep the eye engaged.

In this example, the carpet boasts a small, raised chevron effect in a subdued taupe shade. While subtle, the embossed detail contributes to the room's overall texture, and when paired alongside lacquered cabinets, chunky throws and a variety of different fabrics, creates a stunning collection of interesting textures.

Make your space feel as cosy as possible by introducing a great array of texture

For more design inspiration, why not check out the full Carpet Call range? Here you'll find a stunning collection of coloured, neutral and plush carpets, all perfect for a bedroom space. Alternatively, pop into your local Carpet Call branch and chat to an expert or use our Shop at Home service.

Small Bedroom Carpet Ideas



Modern Master Bedroom Paint Colors

Modern Master Bedroom Paint Colors


The 26 Best Bedroom Wall Colors

gray and white bedroom wall colors

If you're in need of some ideas when choosing bedroom wall colors, there are hundreds from which you can choose. In this piece, we'll offer 26 bedroom wall colors to consider, to help spark life, add pop, or simply give your bedroom a new aura and appearance, since the last time you painted on a fresh coat. Consider a few of these great options.

Inspiring bedroom wall colors

Image: little house of four

Bohemian pale bedroom wall colors

Pale Pallet

Pale isn't dull; it's an invitation to create. With this option, you are in complete control of how to decorate around the walls. Plus, the clean and soft tone won't reflect light or cause distractions when you're trying to sleep at night.

special mirror design in bedroom


A black rug or dark accent wall with peach is a great combination that will really stand out in your bedroom. It's perfect with a pale blue shade or mint green accent wall. And, it works well with virtually any shade/material of furniture. The right throw/accent rug will really bring any space together.

Image: hello

white bedroom

Light Lilac

This muted pastel shade is comforting and calming. This is exactly what you want when choosing the best bedroom colors to repaint your bedroom. It also works well with white, black, yellow, blue, or any other artistic pieces you want to add to your bedroom. The options are endless with this calming finish.

Image: molly howe design

shades of grey used as bedroom wall colors

Pale Beige

It's warm, subtle, it's versatile, and it looks clean. Beige isn't boring, even if it does have the word pale in front of it. With the crisp and bright interior, and a large space, this will create an airy, light feeling in your bedroom, you're going to love each time you step foot into it.

wooden flooring and yellow wall


If you like yellow, but can't find the perfect shade, marigold might be that shade! It works magnificently with blue and green accent pieces, a large beige lamp/shade, and pairs well with subtle shades of white or beige throughout the bedroom.

different bedroom wall colors like white and grey

Pale Blue

This is perfect for beach-inspired decor. Add an anchor to your wall, or soft oceanic tones and art pieces in the bedroom. Or, add warm brown furniture throughout the bedroom to create a calming effect in the space. If you love the ocean, this is a great shade for your bedroom.

light grey bedroom wall color with gold touches

Light Grey

A light grey will give your bedroom a soft, icy edge. You can pair it with elegant, gold touches, to bring the space together. An olive or jade color palette and accent wall, would work wonders to create a visual masterpiece with this tone.

brown and white colors in bedroom


This option is great for those who like to create. Cream is neat, clean, and it is a little darker than white. So, your bedroom will have a hint of something unique, and you can pair it well with any accent piece or furniture.

Image: a taste of koko

white and sand color for your bedroom

Beach Theme/Sand

Live by the water? Love the beach? Bring it to your bedroom. The color of sand (lighter yellow/tan) is a great option for your bedroom wall colors. It's comforting and helps you relax; that's what you want at night, isn't it?

Image: starfish cottage

minty green bedroom wall color

Minty Green

Summer, dreams, ocean… these are a few of the many thoughts that come to mind with this color. It's elegant and soft, yet bold and calls attention to the space. You can pair it well with brown or black, so regardless of the furniture you have in the space, it'll come together well with this shade.

dark wall colors

Warm Brown

Highlighted with gold accents, borders, white pillows, and a soothing blue accent wall, you can bring any bedroom space together. The warmer tone also creates a calming effect, which is perfect to help you sleep at night.

Image: Pelizzari Studio

bright blue walls and a white bed

Sky Blue

This icy blue shade makes a statement, is calming, and it doesn't overpower the space. It's easy on the eyes, and pairs well with other bold colors, lighter hues, or anything in between. Make a statement wall, an accent wall, or paint the entire room this calming color.

navy blue bedroom wall color


This is one of the best bedroom wall colors to create a balanced bedroom space. It can serve as an accent wall and give off a bold, captivating environment. It works well with whites, grey, yellow, and punctuates the space by calling attention to the deep color from a distance.

blush pink bedroom wall color

Blush Pink

Dusty rose, mauve, creamy tones, and elegant beige accents, will help bring this space together. It's light, calming, and creates a tonal anchor for the furniture and accent pieces you choose to add to your bedroom.

Image: Kvarteret Makleri

photo frames and a white bed

Purple Dream

The word dream's in the title, it must be good for your bedroom, right? A lighter shade of purple is calming and inviting. It pairs well with black or brown, so you can choose the perfect accent pieces and furniture for the space, based on personal preference when redecorating.

Image: color & chic

natural colors for bed


The bright color is eye-catching, and will make you happy just looking at it. Whether it's the kids bedroom or your own, if you need pop, fresh, and invigorating, look no further when choosing bedroom wall colors.

Image: @SIXAT21

special color combination for bedroom

Cranberry Red

It's bold, but it's elegant. It'll look great with black, white, brown, and even neutral decor in the bedroom. Make an accent wall, or go big and paint the entire bedroom this color.

Image: Fanny Prat

green walls

Emerald Green

Your bedroom will pop. It's rich, inviting, warm, and elicits a happy feeling all in the same breath. It pairs well with white or browns, and makes the perfect backdrop for your unique art pieces.

Image: apartment therapy

white walls

Bright White

Nothing looks cleaner or more inviting. Plus, it's one of the best bedroom wall colors for the creative mind and spirit. It's your canvas, and you can choose other pieces/decor to accentuate that bold, bright color.

Image: Kimber Interiors

sage green bedroom

Sage Green

Sage is a great option for a ceiling, border trimming, or the entire bedroom. It's calming, elegant, exciting, and helps open up the space. Pair it with different shades of brown to capture that outdoor feeling, inside your bedroom.

sparkling silver bedroom

Sparkling Silver

The monochromatic color is perfect with wooden flooring, dark wooden furniture, or a bright blue accent wall. It really creates a clean and elegant living space.

violet bedroom


For those who don't want to overpower a bedroom, this is a great choice. It's light, calming, works well with lighter shades, and you can paint the entire bedroom violet, or a couple of accent walls this color, to bring the space together. It's subtle, and works well with layering.

Image: m. kunyakina

bold black bedroom

Bold Black

This is the epitome of chic and stylish. Black paint, headboards, accent walls, and a small border white along the floorboard, will really distinguish your bedroom for the rest of your home.

creamy yellow bedroom

Creamy Yellow

Creamy yellow will help you feel happy and warm every time you step into your bedroom. The walls pop, and you can add colors to help balance out the brightness in darker tones/hues with shades, lamps, and furniture.

Image: House & Home

slate grey bedroom

Slate Grey

Throw in some brown furniture, warm plush carpeting, and a dark brown ceiling fan, and your bedroom will look like something right out of a magazine.

tan bedroom


This is the perfect option if you want balance in a bedroom. Paint opposing walls tan and add accent walls of a navy or dark blue shade to create pop. You'll love the finish, and how bold your bedroom looks.

Image: @celeste.escarcega

Modern Master Bedroom Paint Colors



Bedroom Palm Plant

Bedroom Palm Plant

Grow Greenery for Good Sleep


Grow Greenery for Good Sleep best plants for your bedroom

Houseplants are more than just decorative accents. These natural household helpers reduce carbon dioxide and dust levels, and they look great while doing it. Just pick one or two of the sleep-promoting candidates that follow, and see if a little bit of greenery by your bedside will give you a more restful night.



Lavender Plant Bedroom best plants for your bedroom

Lavender has been shown to reduce both blood pressure and heart rate. Placing a lavender plant next to your bed so you can inhale its soothing scent while you slumber could help promote a good night's sleep—naturally.

Related: 10 Ways to Buy Better Sleep



Jasmine Plant Bedroom best plants for your bedroom

Jasmine makes an attractive accent plant, but it's more than just a pretty face. Studies show that the scent of jasmine actually improves the quality of your sleep and increases your chances of waking up with a better attitude and less anxiety.

Related: 10 "Under $10" Buys for Your Best-Ever Bedroom

Peace Lily


Peace Lily Bedroom best plants for your bedroom

The peace lily is beloved for its graceful beauty and easy care requirements, but it's a smart bedroom pick for its ability to reduce the microbe count in your home's air, which in turn can relieve allergy symptoms. And don't you think that a little respite from wheezing, sniffling, and a dry, itchy throat will make for a better night's sleep?

Related: Allergy-Proof Your Home in 7 Steps

Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera Plant For Sleep best plants for your bedroom

Aloe vera has long been known for its ability to heal burns and rashes, but it has one other secret health property: It promotes better air quality. Aloe vera emits oxygen at night instead of during the day, giving the air around it a boost that could benefit your sleep. Plus, it's tolerant of neglect, making it a good choice for newbie houseplant owners.

Related: 7 Reasons Indoor Air Isn't as Pure as You Think



Valerian For Sleep best plants for your bedroom

Inhaling the sweet scent of valerian flowers, according to one study, may help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer. If you want to keep a valerian plant in your bedroom, be sure it will get at least six hours of sunlight a day—it needs full sun to stay healthy.

Related: The 8 Best Paint Colors for a Restful Sleep

English Ivy


English Ivy Bedroom best plants for your bedroom

More commonly seen creeping up the facades of old brick buildings than resting on bedside tables, English ivy may seem like a strange choice for indoor gardeners, but there's good reason to keep this ground cover in your bedroom. Ivy can drastically reduce the airborne mold in a room in just hours, which is great news for allergy sufferers in search of better sleep. If you need another reason, English ivy is a forgiving plant that requires only moderate exposure to sunlight.

Related: 7 Houseplants with Secret Health Benefits

Gerbera Daisies


Gerbera Daisies Bedroom best plants for your bedroom

Gerbera daisies bring cheerful color during the day, and at night they emit oxygen and absorb toxins and carbon dioxide from the air. These flowers have long been recommended for people who suffer from sleep apnea and allergies. Although gerbera daisies require more maintenance than other sleep-promoting plants, the benefits they provide could make the extra care well worth it.

Related: 9 Bright and Colorful Houseplants You Can't Kill



Rosemary Sleep best plants for your bedroom

Rosemary has a strong, heady aroma that is known to reduce anxiety and stress, a quality that could make the hours you spend sleeping more peaceful and satisfying. Keep one in your bedroom, and it won't be too inconvenient for you to snip a sprig or two for a recipe when you're cooking dinner.

Related: 12 Easy Herbs to Grow on Your Windowsill

Mother-in-Law's Tongue


Mother-in-Law's Tongue best plants for your bedroom

Whether you call it mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata), neither one sounds like something you want in your bedroom as you drift off to sleep. However, its air-cleaning properties may make you reconsider whether you want it next to your bed. According to NASA's 1989 Clean Air study, mother-in-law's tongue can help remove formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. What's more, its tall, upward-growing leaves make for attractive decor, and short of overwatering it, it's pretty hard to kill.

Spider Plant


Spider  best plants for your bedroom

Like mother-in-law's tongue, spider plant ( Chlorophytum comosum ) is hardy and easy to maintain. It, too, improves indoor air quality by removing formaldehyde, cigarette smoke, ammonia, and benzene, among other pollutants  from the air we breathe. A 2014 study found that spider plants also accumulate particulate matter, further cleaning the air we breathe. It's safe in households with pets and can live in either bright light or less sunny indoor spots. The spider plant gets its name for the "spiderette" offshoots that hang from the main plant. Occasional pruning will keep the spider plant from becoming too unwieldy.

Bamboo Palm


Bamboo Palm best plants for your bedroom

Low-maintenance bamboo palms (Chamaedorea seifrizii) thrive outdoors in USDA zones 10 and 11. Indoors, they grow from 4 to 8 feet when mature and will bring a tropical vibe to your bedroom. This plant is a great choice for a sleeping space because it filters toxins such as xylene, chloroform, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde out of the air. Since it prefers indirect light to full sun, there's no need to ditch your blackout curtains, either. According to the ASPCA, bamboo palms are nontoxic to dogs and cats.



Gardenia best plants for your bedroom

Gardenias, or Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), need 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day, so keep the curtains open and park this potted flower near a sunny bedroom window. One study found that this flower's intoxicating smell had the same anxiety-reducing effects as some barbiturates. This might be a good bedroom addition for those who have trouble sleeping or to help boost your mood.

Areca Palm


Areca Palm best plants for your bedroom

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) is a large potted palm that's native to Madagascar and thus likes to be kept moist and humid indoors. Multiple cane-like stems grow from its base, topped by narrow, feathery fronds. As a houseplant, the areca palm reaches a maximum height of about 10 feet and won't flower. What it will do for you is produce oxygen and absorb the pollutants toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air you breathe.

Golden Pothos


Golden Pothos best plants for your bedroom

Thanks to the way its leaves cascade over its growing container, golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum), also known as devil's ivy, is a good choice for those who want to hang plants in the bedroom. Pothos can help remove pollutants such as benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the air, according to NASA's study, and it increases air humidity—great for sleeping spaces with dry air.

Chinese Evergreen


Chinese Evergreen  best plants for your bedroom

Suitable for low-light conditions—and for those without a green thumb—Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema) is a terrific addition to a novice plant grower's bedroom. It removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air, and it grows slowly so it's usually small enough to keep on your nightstand. This plant is toxic to pets, so best steer clear and choose different bedroom plants if your animals sleep with you.

Related: 12 Easy Herbs to Grow on Your Windowsill

Don't Miss!


Give the special gardener in your life a little love this holiday season! Go now to see Bob Vila's best gifts for green thumbs.

Bedroom Palm Plant



2 Bedroom Apartment Layout Ideas

2 Bedroom Apartment Layout Ideas

Wrap your tired eyes around this massive gallery of refreshing modern bedroom ideas and gorgeous bedroom accessories that are sure to wake you up. From ultra sleek minimalist style bedrooms to warm modern rustic decor schemes, from crisp white Scandinavian style to a cacophony of colourful options, there is something here to suit everyone. Discover truly creative headboard feature wall designs that incorporate extruded panels and integrated LED strips that will set your imagination all aglow. Find bags of designer bedroom lamps and pendant lights, slick modern bedside units, drawers and shelves and beautiful closets in which to store your very own daily catwalk collection to dress for success come morning.

Other helpful articles to accessorize your modern bedroom:
51 Modern Platform Beds To Refresh Your Bedroom
40 Unique Bedroom Pendant Lights To Add Ambience To Your Sleeping Space
50 Small Side Tables That Radiate Modern Charm
50 Unique Table Lamps That Help You Lighten Up Your Interior

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2 Bedroom Apartment Layout Ideas



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